2012With A View – San Francisco, CA
I’ve been posting photos daily for a year and a half now. I started in January 2011 just for fun and just never stopped doing it. I’ve learned so much from the experience and really think it has pushed me and made me a stronger photographer. Lately, however, I feel like I’m hitting a wall. I look at my photos from just the last year and see improvement and growth but yet I know there is still a lot to learn and to get better at. I see photos that I’ve taken and know that they can be so much better and feel embarrassed and nervous to show them to anyone. Because I am more critical of my photos I’ve lost some of the unbridled enthusiasm and joy and innocence of sharing just a cool shot. Sometimes all I can see are the flaws. I see all these photos that are so beautiful and wonder if I can ever have the vision to achieve images with such creativity, excellence, and artistry.
I know myself and know that I can easily just turn into a hermit, withdraw from others and not share my work. However, this time I feel like this is a struggle I can push through, that the process of this struggle is what will hopefully give me more confidence in my work, and what will ultimately make me a better photographer.