2018Part of a personal project while on tour in New York. Taken at St. Francis Xavier church.
Young Women’s Chorus charter member and graduating senior Alyssa.
“The chorus has been more than an after-school activity to me. It’s been my home, my family, and so much more to me than I could have ever imagined over the past 6 years.
My first rehearsal, I was just a small kid among a sea of girls with mature and powerful voices. Yet, I wasn’t intimidated because everyone was so encouraging to each other. Even though I didn’t have a voice like all of the older girls, I felt like I was a valued member of the group, and played a vital role in making music. Over time, my voice grew to be louder, but my responsibilities within the chorus stayed the same: to make breathtakingly sensational music with my friends.
I remember, in the summer of 2015, YWC sang Franz Biebl’s “Ave Maria” in a small village in Germany. Our sound resonated in the large church packed full of people listening to us. After we finished and the sounds of the music dissipated, the room was silent. It was not until a few seconds after everything had stopped when the first sounds of applause began. It’s moments like these where I remember why I stayed in this chorus in the first place.”
– Alyssa